New GSRs: What do you do after you take the commitment? First things first, make sure you attend Area monthly. Area falls on the first Sunday of each month in Simi Valley. GSR training starts 1/2 hour prior to the Area start time. If you are an Alternate GSR, be sure to coordinate with your meeting’s current GSR for training specific to your meeting. If you are an alternative GSR, most likely you will attend a few Area Meetings with your GSR and then start to alternate between these monthly meetings according to your schedules.
What do I do? What do I say?
Your job as a GSR is to report back to your home group everything that is happening at your Area Meetings such as NA events, issues, service body needs, other meeting commitment needs, activities, and more. You are there to not only provide information to current members, but to excite and ATTRACT the newcomer. NA can be fun! Be excited to share the information, encourage others to attend events, be knowledgeable about what you share, and make sure your references are accurate.
Script Sample: My name is ________________ and I am an Addict. Welcome to our meeting called __________________! We have some exciting stuff going on in an our Area. If you want contact information for the events please see me after the meeting. Otherwise, call our hotline or visit our website for more info.
Here are some tips to help you understand how to get started:
Simply find a meeting on our meeting directory page.
No need to make an appointment, but maybe show up a bit early, and have a seat anywhere you like.
Have a listen, share, or don’t share.
Mostly just learn you are not alone.
None of us could do this alone, we do this together.
For us drugs had become a major problem.
To help each other stay clean, we recovering addicts meet regularly.
No initiation fees or promises are required.
You are already a member if you have the desire to stop using.
If you want to do something about your problem:
We want to know how we can help.
We all thought we were powerless to do anything about our addiction.
Experience has shown us, if we keep coming to meetings regularly, we stay clean.